
我從曼德拉身上學會的事 |「烏邦圖」我的存在是因為大家的存在—Ted演講005


「在荒野的聖壇中, 我們會看見自己最美好的那個部分回應我們。」鮑伊德.瓦提是推廣野生動物的行動者,在此他與我們分享動物、 人類與他們之間的相互聯結,或稱為「烏邦圖」(ubuntu),意即「因為你造就了我」。他將這則演說獻給南非領導人納爾遜.曼德拉,他也同樣是那廣大無私精神的化現。


  • "Ubuntu":i am ;becouse of you
  • “Ubuntu”是一種非洲式的世界觀,強調「我的存在是因為大家的存在」,一個人之所以為人,是藉由與他人互動所表現出來的。
  • 烏班圖(祖魯語:Ubuntu,/uːˈbʊntuː/ oo-BUUN-too),又譯吾邦篤、宇版圖、烏邦托,來自南部非洲班圖語,意思是「施人人道」、「樂於分享」。烏班圖精神也意味「我和他人緊緊相連,密不可分,我們都在同一種生活之中」。


I'm a man who's trying to live from his heart, and so just before I get going, I wanted to tell you as a South African that one of the men who has inspired me most passed away a few hours ago. Nelson Mandela has come to the end of his long walk to freedom. And so this talk is going to be for him.
我是一個想要用心生活的人, 因此在開始之前, 我想以南非人的身分,告訴你, 一位曾經帶給我最多啟發的人 數小時前過世了。 納爾遜.曼德拉已結束 為自由奮戰的漫長旅程。 因此,這則演說將用來向他致敬。 我在驚奇中長大。

I grew up in wonder. I grew up amongst those animals. I grew up in the wild eastern part of South Africa at a place called Londolozi Game Reserve. It's a place where my family has been in the safari business for four generations. Now for as long as I can remember, my job has been to take people out into nature, and so I think it's a lovely twist of fate today to have the opportunity to bring some of my experiences out in nature in to this gathering. Africa is a place where people still sit under starlit skies and around campfires and tell stories, and so what I have to share with you today is the simple medicine of a few campfire stories, stories about heroes of heart. Now my stories are not the stories that you'll hear on the news, and while it's true that Africa is a harsh place, I also know it to be a place where people, animals and ecosystems teach us about a more interconnected world.
我在那群動物之中長大。 我在南非東部荒野中的 倫多洛里野生動物保護區長大。 那是我連續四代家族 經營野遊旅行事業的地方。 在我記憶所及, 我的工作一直是帶著人們走進大自然, 因此我想今天 是美好的命運轉折 讓我有機會 把我的經驗帶出自然, 在這場聚會中分享。 非洲是一個 人們仍會坐在星光閃耀的星空下 圍著營火說故事的地方, 而今天我必須和大家分享的是 一些營火晚會的小妙方, 關於英雄精神的故事。 現在我要告訴你的不是 你會在新聞上聽到的故事。 雖然非洲環境嚴峻, 我也知道那是個 人們、動物和生態在其中 教導我們一個更加相互連結的世界。

When I was nine years old, President Mandela came to stay with my family. He had just been released from his 27 years of incarceration, and was in a period of readjustment to his sudden global icon status. Members of the African National Congress thought that in the bush he would have time to rest and recuperate away from the public eye, and it's true that lions tend to be a very good deterrent to press and paparazzi. (Laughter) But it was a defining time for me as a young boy. I would take him breakfast in bed, and then, in an old track suit and slippers, he would go for a walk around the garden. At night, I would sit with my family around the snowy, bunny-eared TV, and watch images of that same quiet man from the garden surrounded by hundreds and thousands of people as scenes from his release were broadcast nightly. He was bringing peace to a divided and violent South Africa, one man with an unbelievable sense of his humanity. Mandela said often that the gift of prison was the ability to go within and to think, to create in himself the things he most wanted for South Africa: peace, reconciliation, harmony. Through this act of immense open-heartedness, he was to become the embodiment of what in South Africa we call "ubuntu." Ubuntu: I am because of you. Or, people are not people without other people. It's not a new idea or value but it's one that I certainly think at these times is worth building on. In fact, it is said that in the collective consciousness of Africa, we get to experience the deepest parts of our own humanity through our interactions with others. Ubuntu is at play right now. You are holding a space for me to express the deepest truth of who I am. Without you, I'm just a guy talking to an empty room, and I spent a lot of time last week doing that, and it's not the same as this. (Laughter)
在我九歲的時候, 曼德拉總統曾暫住我家。 他才剛從 27 年的牢刑中被釋放, 正處於重新適應 世界精神領袖地位的期間。 非洲國民大會的議員 認為他在叢林中 能有休養復原的時間, 遠離大眾關注, 而且獅子真的能擔任 壓制狗仔隊的極佳震懾角色。 (笑聲) 但對身為青少年的我來說, 這是關鍵的時刻。 我會拿早餐到他床前, 然後,他會穿上老舊的運動服與便鞋 在花園中散步。 晚上,我會和家人一起圍坐在 雜訊干擾的天線電視機前, 看著和花園裡的同一位 安靜男士在畫面中 被成千上萬人圍繞著, 每夜都會播送他被釋放的場景。 他為分裂與暴力的南非 帶來和平, 一位身懷不可思議特質的男士。 曼德拉常說監獄的禮物 就是有深入思考的能力, 把最想奉獻給南非的精神 建立在自身上: 和平、和解、融洽。 透過這個心胸極為寬大的舉動, 他已成為 我們在南非稱 「烏邦圖」(ubuntu) 的化身。 烏邦圖:你造就了我。 或是說,沒有其他人, 我們就無法成為自己。 這不是新的想法或價值觀, 但卻是我在這些日子裡 深信值得建立的想法或價值觀。 事實上,在非洲的集體意識中, 有一個說法是 我們要體認到自我人性 最深切的部分 必須透過與他人互動。 烏邦圖正是如此。 你為我保留一個空間, 讓我表達最深切、真實的自我。 沒有你,我只是一個 在空房子裡說話的人, 我上星期花了很多時間這麼做, 但現在完全不一樣。 (笑聲)

If Mandela was the national and international embodiment, then the man who taught me the most about this value personally was this man, Solly Mhlongo. Solly was born under a tree 60 kilometers from where I grew up in Mozambique. He would never have a lot of money, but he was to be one of the richest men I would ever meet. Solly grew up tending to his father's cattle. Now, I can tell you, I don't know what it is about people who grow up looking after cattle, but it makes for über-resourcefulness. The first job that he ever got in the safari business was fixing the safari trucks. Where he had learned to do that out in the bush I have no idea, but he could do it. He then moved across into what we called the habitat team. These were the people on the reserve who were responsible for its well-being. He fixed roads, he mended wetlands, he did some anti-poaching. And then one day we were out together, and he came across the tracks of where a female leopard had walked. And it was an old track, but for fun he turned and he began to follow it, and I tell you, I could tell by the speed at which he moved on those pad marks that this man was a Ph.D.-level tracker. If you drove past Solly somewhere out on the reserve, you look up in your rearview mirror, you'd see he'd stopped the car 20, 50 meters down the road just in case you need help with something. The only accusation I ever heard leveled at him was when one of our clients said, "Solly, you are pathologically helpful." (Laughter)
如果曼德拉是我國和國際的化身, 而親自教導我 這個價值觀的人是這位男士 索利.梅朗高 (Solly Mhlongo)。 索利在樹下出生, 距離我長大的莫三比亞有 60 公里遠。 他一向沒什麼錢, 但他是 我認識最富有的人之一。 索利在成長的過程中要幫忙父親養牛。 其實我不知道 從小養牛長大是什麼樣子, 但那會造就足智多謀的特質。 他在野遊旅行業 做的第一項工作 是修理越野車。 他是在叢林裡的哪個地方學會這件事 我毫無頭緒,但他就是辦得到。 後來他就換到 棲地團隊。 這些人負責保護棲地, 讓它生長良好。 他修理道路、改善濕地, 和做一些反獵補的工作。 後來有天我們一起出去, 他碰巧看到母豹剛走過的足跡, 那是條狹小的古道, 出於好玩,他回過頭開始跟蹤豹, 我告訴你, 從他跟著腳印的車速就可以知道 這個人是博士級的跟蹤大師。 如果你在棲地以外的地方 開車經過索利, 抬頭看後照鏡, 你會以為他把車停在 20、50 公尺遠的路上, 以防萬一你可能需要他幫點忙。 我唯一聽過針對他的指控 是有位客人說: 「索利,你好用的讓人毛骨悚然。」 (笑聲)

When I started professionally guiding people out into this environment, Solly was my tracker. We worked together as a team. And the first guests we ever got were a philanthropy group from your East Coast, and they said to Solly, on the side, they said, "Before we even go out to see lions and leopards, we want to see where you live." So we took them up to his house, and this visit of the philanthropist to his house coincided with a time when Solly's wife, who was learning English, was going through a phase where she would open the door by saying, "Hello, I love you. Welcome, I love you." (Laughter) And there was something so beautifully African about it to me, this small house with a huge heart in it.
當我現始當專業導遊 帶領人群進入這個環境時, 索利是我的雷達。 我們是工作團隊。 我們第一組接到的客人 是一群從美國東岸來的慈善家, 他們在路上對索利說: 「在我們出去看獅子和豹之前, 我們想看看你住的地方。」 後來我們就帶他們到索利家, 這趟慈善家訪視之旅 剛好是在索利的老婆 學英文的時候, 她正學到打開門要說: 「你好,我愛你。 歡迎光臨,我愛你。」 (笑聲) 對我來說,非洲人最美的一面就是 這個小房子裡 住著很大的心。

Now on the day that Solly saved my life, he was already my hero. It was a hot day, and we found ourselves down by the river. Because of the heat, I took my shoes off, and I rolled up my pants, and I walked into the water. Solly remained on the bank. The water was clear running over sand, and we turned and we began to make our way upstream. And a few meters ahead of us, there was a place where a tree had fallen out of the bank, and its branches were touching the water, and it was shadowy. And if had been a horror movie, people in the audience would have started saying, "Don't go in there. Don't go in there." (Laughter) And of course, the crocodile was in the shadows. Now the first thing that you notice when a crocodile hits you is the ferocity of the bite. Wham! It hits me by my right leg. It pulls me. It turns. I throw my hand up. I'm able to grab a branch. It's shaking me violently. It's a very strange sensation having another creature try and eat you, and there are few things that promote vegetarianism like that. (Laughter) Solly on the bank sees that I'm in trouble. He turns. He begins to make his way to me. The croc again continues to shake me. It goes to bite me a second time. I notice a slick of blood in the water around me that gets washed downstream. As it bites the second time, I kick. My foot goes down its throat. It spits me out. I pull myself up into the branches, and as I come out of the water, I look over my shoulder. My leg from the knee down is mangled beyond description. The bone is cracked. The meat is torn up. I make an instant decision that I'll never look at that again. As I come out of the water, Solly arrives at a deep section, a channel between us. He knows, he sees the state of my leg, he knows that between him and I there is a crocodile, and I can tell you this man doesn't slow down for one second. He comes straight into the channel. He wades in to above his waist. He gets to me. He grabs me. I'm still in a vulnerable position. He picks me and puts me on his shoulder. This is the other thing about Solly, he's freakishly strong. He turns. He walks me up the bank. He lays me down. He pulls his shirt off. He wraps it around my leg, picks me up a second time, walks me to a vehicle, and he's able to get me to medical attention. And I survive.
從索利救我一命的那天開始, 他就成了我心目中的英雄。 那天很熱, 我們發現自己身在河邊, 暑氣逼人,我脫下鞋, 捲起長褲 走進河水中, 索利留在岸邊。 清澈的河水流過沙地, 我們轉向往上游走。 在前方幾公尺遠處, 岸邊有棵樹倒向河中, 枝幹接觸水面, 形成一處陰影。 如果你看過恐怖電影, 觀眾會開始七嘴八舌說: 「別過去那,別過去那。」 (笑聲) 想當然爾,鱷魚藏在陰影裡。 當鱷魚攻擊你時, 你會先注意到 被兇殘咬下的那一口。 嘩!牠咬了我的右腳。 牠拉住我、旋轉。 我舉起雙手,還能抓到樹幹。 牠兇暴地搖晃著我。 面對另一種打算要吃掉你的生物 有種很奇怪的感覺, 大概是這種原因讓某些人想吃素。 (笑聲) 索利在岸上看到我陷入困境, 他轉身,開始朝我而來。 鱷魚再次搖晃我, 牠打算再咬我一口。 我注意到身旁的河水裡有血, 染紅了下游。 牠再次張嘴咬時,我踢牠, 腳踩進牠的喉嚨裡, 牠把我吐出來。 我把自己的身體往上拉到樹枝上, 離開水面時,我往身後看, 我的膝蓋以下 慘不忍睹, 骨頭碎了, 肉被撕裂。 我馬上決定絕不再看第二眼。 我離開水面後, 索利站在 我和鱷魚之間的深水處。 他看到我的腳傷, 知道我和他之間 有一隻鱷魚, 我跟你說,這位男士一秒也沒遲疑, 在水中筆直走向我, 水深及腰, 他一把抓起我。 我還在極易受傷的位置, 他把我扛上肩。 這是索利的另一個特點, 他壯得嚇人。 他轉身,帶著我走上岸, 放下我後,索利脫掉身上的衣服 纏上我的腳, 再次扛起我 走向車子, 為我做醫療照護。 我活下來了。

Now — (Applause)

Now I don't know how many people you know that go into a deep channel of water that they know has a crocodile in it to come and help you, but for Solly, it was as natural as breathing. And he is one amazing example of what I have experienced all over Africa. In a more collective society, we realize from the inside that our own well-being is deeply tied to the well-being of others. Danger is shared. Pain is shared. Joy is shared. Achievement is shared. Houses are shared. Food is shared. Ubuntu asks us to open our hearts and to share, and what Solly taught me that day is the essence of this value, his animated, empathetic action in every moment.
我不知道你們認識的人之中,有多少位 願意走下深溝, 而且他們知道裡面有隻鱷魚 還願意來救你, 但是對索利來說,那就像呼吸一樣自然。 我在整個非洲的經歷中, 他是其中一個驚人例子。 在更聚合型的社會中, 我們深刻了解 自己的幸福與他人的幸福 緊緊地繫在一起。 分擔危險,分擔苦痛, 共享喜悅,共享榮耀, 分享房子,分享食物。 烏邦圖要我們打開心胸, 樂於分享, 索利在那天教我的 就是這分價值的精髓, 他無時無刻展現出 生命力與熱情。

Now although the root word is about people, I thought that maybe ubuntu was only about people. And then I met this young lady. Her name was Elvis. In fact, Solly gave her the name Elvis because he said she walked like she was doing the Elvis the pelvis dance. She was born with very badly deformed back legs and pelvis. She arrived at our reserve from a reserve east of us on her migratory route. When I first saw her, I thought she would be dead in a matter of days. And yet, for the next five years she returned in the winter months. And we would be so excited to be out in the bush and to come across this unusual track. It looked like an inverted bracket, and we would drop whatever we were doing and we would follow, and then we would come around the corner, and there she would be with her herd. And that outpouring of emotion from people on our safari trucks as they saw her, it was this sense of kinship. And it reminded me that even people who grow up in cities feel a natural connection with the natural world and with animals. And yet still I remained amazed that she was surviving. And then one day we came across them at this small water hole. It was sort of a hollow in the ground. And I watched as the matriarch drank, and then she turned in that beautiful slow motion of elephants, looks like the arm in motion, and she began to make her way up the steep bank. The rest of the herd turned and began to follow. And I watched young Elvis begin to psych herself up for the hill. She got visibly -- ears came forward, she had a full go of it and halfway up, her legs gave way, and she fell backwards. She attempted it a second time, and again, halfway up, she fell backwards. And on the third attempt, an amazing thing happened. Halfway up the bank, a young teenage elephant came in behind her, and he propped his trunk underneath her, and he began to shovel her up the bank. And it occurred to me that the rest of the herd was in fact looking after this young elephant. The next day I watched again as the matriarch broke a branch and she would put it in her mouth, and then she would break a second one and drop it on the ground. And a consensus developed between all of us who were guiding people in that area that that herd was in fact moving slower to accommodate that elephant.
雖然這個字根與人有關, 我原以為也許烏邦圖只和人有關。 後來,我碰到這位年輕女士。 她的名字是艾維斯(貓王)。 其實索利幫牠取這個名字 是因為他說牠走路的時候就像是在跳 貓王的扭臀舞。 牠出生時雙腳和骨盆嚴重變形, 牠從遷徒路途中的保護區 被送到我們這裡, 就在我們東邊。 我第一次看到牠時, 心想過不了幾天牠就會死了。 可是五年之後 牠就返家過冬了。 我們會很興奮的深入叢林, 出現在這條特別的小徑上, 牠看起來就像是一個反向括號, 不管我們手邊在忙什麼, 都會放下一切跟著牠, 接著我們會來到角落, 牠就在那裡和象群在一起。 看到牠的時候, 野遊車裡的人們 流露出的情感,就是家人的感覺。 牠提醒了我, 即使是在城市長大的人 也會對大自然和動物 自然而然地產生連結。 至今,牠能活下來依然讓我大為驚奇。 後來有一天,我們在 這個小水池裡碰到牠們, 那有點像是地下坑洞。 在這位女性領導人喝水時,我看著牠, 接著,牠在緩慢移動的 美麗象群中轉過身, 看起來就像手臂正在移動, 牠開始爬上陡坡。 其他象群也轉向跟隨牠。 我看著年輕的艾維斯 開始做好準備要爬上山坡。 顯然牠的耳朵向前, 全力衝刺向上到半途, 牠的腳支撐不住,讓牠向後退了。 牠嘗試第二次, 同樣的在半途牠向後跌坐。 第三次嘗試, 神奇的事情發生了。 往岸上爬的半途中 一隻壯象前來協助, 用鼻子撐起牠, 然後壯象開始把牠往岸上扔。 這件事提醒了我 其他大象 其實一直在照顧這隻幼象。 隔天我再次看著牠, 這位女領導折斷樹枝, 放進嘴裡, 然後再折斷一次, 丟在地上。 在這個區域導覽的我們 一致認為 象群其實放慢速度 讓這隻小象跟上腳步。

What Elvis and the herd taught me caused me to expand my definition of ubuntu, and I believe that in the cathedral of the wild, we get to see the most beautiful parts of ourselves reflected back at us. And it is not only through other people that we get to experience our humanity but through all the creatures that live on this planet. If Africa has a gift to share, it's a gift of a more collective society. And while it's true that ubuntu is an African idea, what I see is the essence of that value being invented here.
而艾維斯和象群讓我了解 也讓我對烏邦圖有更寬廣的定義, 我相信在荒野的聖壇中, 我們會看見自己最美好的那個部分 回應我們。 我們不只是要透過其他人 感受自己人性的那一面, 而是要透過所有生長在地球上的生物。 如果非洲有一份禮物能分享, 那份禮物就是一個更加聚合的社會。 雖然烏邦圖是非洲的概念, 而我看到的是那份價值觀的本質 也在此創造了。

Thank you.


Pat Mitchell: So Boyd, we know that you knew President Mandela from early childhood and that you heard the news as we all did today, and deeply distraught and know the tragic loss that it is to the world. But I just wondered if you wanted to share any additional thoughts, because we know that you heard that news just before coming in to do this session.
派特.蜜雪兒 (Pat Mitchell): 鮑伊德, 我們知道你在很小的時候 就認識曼德拉總統, 你和我們同時在今天聽到這個消息, 心裡感到十分心煩意亂, 也了解這是全世界不幸的損失。 我好奇的是,你是否想 分享一些想法, 因為我們知道你在這個階段開始前不久 才聽到這個消息。

Boyd Varty: Well thanks, Pat. I'm so happy because it was time for him to pass on. He was suffering. And so of course there's the mixed emotions. But I just think of so many occurrences like the time he went on the Oprah show and asked her what the show would be about. (Laughter) And she was like, "Well, it'll be about you." I mean, that's just incredible humility. (Laughter)
鮑伊德:謝謝你,派特。 我替他感到高興,因為也該是時候了, 他一直都在受苦。 當然我有很複雜的情緒, 但是我想到很多發生過的事, 像是有一次他上阿普拉秀 問她這個秀會跟什麼有關? (笑聲) 她就說:「嗯,會跟你有關。」 我的意思是,那是多麼 讓人難以置性的謙卑。 (笑聲)

He was the father of our nation and we've got a road to walk in South Africa. And everything, they used to call it Madiba magic. You know, he used to go to a rugby match and we would win. Anywhere he went, things went well. But I think that magic will be with us, and the important thing is that we carry what he stood for. And so that's what I'm going to try and do, and that's what people all over South Africa are trying to do.
他是我國之父, 我們在南非還有一段路要走。 每件事,大家都習慣稱為 「馬迪巴魔法」。 你知道,他以前都會去參加橄欖球賽, 然後我們就會贏。 不管他去哪裡,事情都會很順利。 但是我想這個魔法將會與我們同在, 重要的是我們帶著 他所象徵的意義。 因此,我會嘗試這麼做, 全南非人也都會如此。

PM: And that's what you've done today. BV: Oh, thank you.
派特:那就是你今天完成的事。 鮑伊德:謝謝!

PM: Thank you. BV: Thank you. Thanks very much.
派特:謝謝。 鮑伊德:謝謝,非常感謝!





觀世音菩薩發願偈/大悲咒 齊豫—聽見003

 今早請Google Nest Mini(智慧音箱) 播放音樂,它播了這首,我非常喜愛的《觀世音菩薩發願偈》,這次聽,多了一層不同的體會。刀山、火湯、地獄、餓鬼、修羅、畜生不在外,而是在我內心阿,是我的陰暗面。當我與它同在,真誠地接納這就是我的一部份,突然間,就會得到平靜、解脫、大智慧。 齐豫演唱的好听佛歌《观音菩萨发愿偈》_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 南無大悲觀世音,願我速知一切法。 南無大悲觀世音,願我早得智慧眼。 南無大悲觀世音,願我速度一切眾。 南無大悲觀世音,願我早得善方便。 南無大悲觀世音,願我速乘般若船。 南無大悲觀世音,願我早得越苦海。 南無大悲觀世音,願我速得戒定道。 南無大悲觀世音,願我早登涅槃山。 南無大悲觀世音,願我速會無為舍。 南無大悲觀世音,願我早同法性身。 我若向刀山,刀山自摧折。 我若向火湯,火湯自消滅。 我若向地獄,地獄自枯竭。 我若向餓鬼,餓鬼自飽滿。 我若向修羅,惡心自調伏。 我若向畜生,自得大智慧。 相關閱讀: 你是什麼,世界就是什麼—《你就是世界》克里希那穆提90篇經典對話錄


好久不見的Podcast,今天邀請到超級熱血的 書綺 完整收聽Podcast: Spotify  Apple Podcast Google Podcast 李崇建-薩提爾52週的冰山音頻陪伴實作課 帶領人:鄭書綺 超佛心費用:520元 報名方式:請私訊書綺臉書,付款後加入專屬群組 https://www.facebook.com/suqi.zheng.1 時段一 每週 週二晚上10:00-11:00 時段二 每週 週一早上10:00~11:00  時段三 每週 週日晚8:00~9:00 *每一場都可以自由參與 *以上遇到節日或不可抗因素,都會彈性調整。 *提供錄影回放、PPT 付款方式: 帳號: 鄭書綺  (700) 郵局  00814531135661 海外可用paypal: lilyiu198213@gmail.com

派偉俊 Patrick Brasca【蝴蝶 Butterflies】/很敘事治療的歌—聽見002

非常喜歡的歌,特別是歌詞,呼應我現在的心境。 為什麼我會說這首歌很敘事治療? 因為它的主軸是在論述主流價值與在地獨特聲音間的關係。 《蝴蝶》 詞: 黃俊郎 曲: 派偉俊  Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會  夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退 熱帶雨林振翅的蝶也能引起風雪 逆風而上的靈魂從來不會卑微 活著不是一張標準答案的考卷 堅持你自己讓那些嘲笑更狼狽 攀登的山谷 不因誰更改 凝望的景物 不為誰交代 你走出的路 最美的存在  他們終究會明白 It comes and goes everything you like It's just a show Fame won't last a lifetime Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會 夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退 太多的事要去面對 不期待有誰能體會 愈是寂寞的夜愈黑 反正我也不後悔 攀登的山谷 不因誰更改 凝望的景物 不為誰交代 你走出的路 最美的存在  他們終究會明白 It comes and goes everything you like It's just a show  Fame won't last a lifetime. Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會 夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退