

    • 有兩個人來找我,立刻解釋說他們是基督徒,想要為這個世界帶來和平。
      • Two people came and presently explained that they were Christians, and so they wanted to bring about peace in the world.
    • 難道不是基督徒、佛教徒、印度教徒等種種的標籤,讓人們處於分裂狀態嗎?如同國族與經濟的藩籬區隔了人們,宗教及其象徵,以及它漸趨晦暗的祭壇與唱頌的教士們,也隔離了人們。種種的信念與教條、教義與儀式,建立起一道無法跨越的牆垣。這些現象從過去以來一直導致許多徒勞無益的爭論,現在依然如此,是這些因素製造了不包容與敵意,是這些因素腐化了人們的頭腦與心靈。摧毀人類的團結、善意與愛的,正是教派主義、排外與特權的心態。
      • Do not these very labels—Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and so on—keep people separate? As national and economic barriers divide people, so religions with their symbolism, their darkening altars, and their chanting priests keep people apart. Beliefs and dogmas, creeds and ritualism build an insurmountable barrier. It is over these that there have been, and there still are, vain controversies. It is these that create intolerance and antagonism. It is these that corrupt the mind and the heart. It is the spirit of sectarianism, exclusiveness, and privileges that destroys the unity of man, goodwill, and love.
    • 宗教應是生命中的愛之道,而非信念,它是一種無我的、無私人動機的行動,而非儀式。它是在沒有腐敗教條的情況下追求最高境界。
      • Religion is the way of love in life, not belief. It is action without the self and its private motives, and not ritualism. It is the search for the highest without corrupting dogma.
    • 當一個人聲稱自己是個基督徒或印度教徒、一個美國人或英國人的時候,通常伴隨著某種程度的驕傲與權力感,而這難免在人與人之間製造隔閡。當他們說自己是基督徒的時候,難道沒有覺察到這句話背後隱含的一切意義嗎?他們沒有覺察到標籤的無意義與實相的恢弘嗎?他們愈是關心這些瑣碎的小事,實相就呈現得愈少,不是嗎?
      • When one asserts that one is a Christian or a Hindu, an American or an Englishman, there goes with it a certain pride and power, which inevitably create barriers between people. And when they say they are Christians, are they not aware of all its implications? Are they not aware of the insignificance of the label and the greatness of reality? The more they are concerned with the petty, is there not the less of the real?
    • 愛、慈悲、善意等,這些都不需要標籤,但就是這些品質在為世界帶來和平,不是單純的調整經濟結構,不是一、兩個民族的主導,也不是技術上的進步,在為我們帶來和平。相反地,若沒有心靈上的改變,這些現象只會帶來更大、更多破壞性的災難。
      • Love, compassion, goodwill—these do not need a label, and it is these that will bring peace to the world. Neither mere economic adjustment, nor the domination of one or two peoples, nor technical advancement can bring peace. On the contrary, without a change of heart, these can bring about only greater and more destructive catastrophes.
    • 要想為世界帶來和平,必須從自己開始做起,因為你就是這個世界。你是什麼,這個世界就是什麼。如果你是貪婪的、充滿競爭心態、追求特權與獲利、執著於這個或那個標籤、滿懷嫉妒與激情,那麼你也將擁有一個存在著仇恨與戰爭的世界,一個充斥著愈來愈多混亂、集權、殘酷與恐懼的世界。
      • To bring peace to the world, you must begin with yourself, for you are the world. What you are, the world is. If you are greedy, competitive, seeking privilege and profit, attached to this or that label, jealous and passionate, then you will have a world in which hate and wars will exist, a world of increasing chaos and tyranny, of ruthlessness and fear.
    • 你創造出這個世界的問題,而你就成為一個能解決這些問題的人。不要將這些問題丟給專家、丟給政客、丟給領袖,因為你是什麼,世界就是什麼。
      • You have created the world’s problem, and you are the only person who can solve it. Do not leave it to specialists, to the politicians, to the leaders, for what you are the world is.




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《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯,摘自 《非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版)》

  《獲贈》(Given To,1978) 摘自 《 非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版) 》 你接受我的付出, 並明白我當下的喜悅, 便是你給我的最好的禮物。 你知道我無意對你施惠, 只是要表現我心中的愛意。 優雅地接受, 或許是世上最佳的贈予。 施與受並無二致。 對你的付出,我以接受回報。 你願接受我的心意, 是對我的莫大贈予。   《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯    


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