
微細領導力/Everyday leadership—Ted010

我們都曾經改變某些人的生命—常常自己都不知道。透過卓杜立 (Drew Dudley) 幽默話語,我們得以審視並慶賀日常生活中改善彼此生命品質的領導力。
We have all changed someone's life -- usually without even realizing it. In this funny talk, Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each other's lives.



I wanted to just start by asking everyone a question: How many of you are completely comfortable with calling yourselves a leader? I've asked that question all across the country, and everywhere I ask it, no matter where, there's a huge portion of the audience that won't put up their hand. And I've come to realize that we have made leadership into something bigger than us; something beyond us. We've made it about changing the world. We've taken this title of "leader" and treat it as something that one day we're going to deserve. But to give it to ourselves right now means a level of arrogance or cockiness that we're not comfortable with. And I worry sometimes that we spend so much time celebrating amazing things that hardly anybody can do, that we've convinced ourselves those are the only things worth celebrating. We start to devalue the things we can do every day, We take moments where we truly are a leader and we don't let ourselves take credit for it, or feel good about it. I've been lucky enough over the last 10 years to work with amazing people who've helped me redefine leadership in a way that I think has made me happier. With my short time today, I want to share with you the one story that is probably most responsible for that redefinition.

我想問在場的各位一個問題, 做為開始: 你們之中有多少人對於稱呼自己為領導者 感到自在? 看吧!我到全國各地演講都問這個問題 不論我在那裡問 觀眾中絶大多數人都不會舉手 然後我明白一件事:我們把領導力 弄得太過龐大 我們把它想地大過我們自身 我們把它想成是改變世界的能力 我們把領導人這稱謂 想成某年某月經過許多努力後 我們才有資格戴上的頭銜 如果想成是當下我們就能承當的頭銜 意涵某種程度讓人不舒服的驕傲自大 而我擔心我們花那麼多時間 慶祝一些我們很難達到的成就 我們說服自己 那些豐功偉業才是值得慶祝的事。我們開始 貶抑日常生活中可做到的事 對於那些能讓我們被稱得上領導人的時刻 我們拒不讓稱功 我們不讓自己引以為傲 我很幸運在過去這十年中 和一群很特別的人一起工作 他們幫我重新定義領導力 讓我覺得我變得更快樂 就今天很短的時間,我想和各位分享 一個和重新定義領導力 最直接相關的故事


I went to a little school called Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. And on my last day there, a girl came up to me and said, "I remember the first time I met you." And she told me a story that had happened four years earlier. She said, "On the day before I started university, I was in the hotel room with my mom and dad, and I was so scared and so convinced that I couldn't do this, that I wasn't ready for university, that I just burst into tears. My mom and dad were amazing. They were like, "We know you're scared, but let's just go tomorrow, go to the first day, and if at any point you feel as if you can't do this, that's fine; tell us, and we'll take you home. We love you no matter what.'"

我大學是在一所規模小的學校叫 Mount Allison大學,在New Brunswick的Sackville 我在那的最後一天,一個女孩走上前來 她說:「我記得第一次見到你的情景」 然後她告訴我四年前發生的一個故事 她說;「大學開學的前一天, 我和我的父母待在一個旅館, 我超害怕的,怕到相信自己沒準備好自己上大學, 於是就哭了起來。 我爸媽真是很酷。他們說: 『喔!我們知道妳怕,但讓我們明天去看看。 我們去開學第一天。如果妳任何時候覺得 妳沒辦法,儘管告訴我們, 我們就帶妳回家。無論如何,我們還是愛妳。』」


She says, "So I went the next day. I was in line for registration, and I looked around and just knew I couldn't do it; I wasn't ready. I knew I had to quit. I made that decision and as soon as I made it, an incredible feeling of peace came over me. I turned to my mom and dad to tell them we needed to go home, and at that moment, you came out of the student union building wearing the stupidest hat I've ever seen in my life."

她說:「隔天我去了, 在排隊註冊的時候, 我四下觀望,知道自己沒辦法 我知道我還沒準備好。我知道我要打退堂鼓。」 她說:「我決定了。當我一下決定, 有一股平和的感覺罩住我 我轉過身對我爸媽說 我們需要回家。就在那時候, 你從學生中心走出來 戴著我見過最傻氣的帽子」





"It was awesome. And you had a big sign promoting Shinerama," -- which is Students Fighting Cystic Fibrosis, a charity I've worked with for years -- "And you had a bucketful of lollipops. You were handing the lollipops out to people in line, and talking about Shinerama. All of the sudden, you got to me, and you just stopped. And you stared. It was creepy."

「真是太有意思了 你身上穿了一個Shinerama募款的牌子 上面寫著『學生團體共同對抗囊腫纖維症』」 是一個我投入多年的慈善組織 「然後你提了一桶棒棒糖 一路走一路發 給排在隊伍裏的人,介紹Shinerama的理念 突然間,你看到我,就停住了 你盯著我看。真讓人起雞皮疙瘩!」





This girl knows what I'm talking about.






"Then you looked at the guy next to me, smiled, reached into your bucket, pulled out a lollipop, held it out to him and said, 'You need to give a lollipop to the beautiful woman next to you.'" She said, "I've never seen anyone get more embarrassed faster in my life. He turned beet red, he wouldn't even look at me. He just kind of held the lollipop out like this."

「然後你看著站在我身邊的一個男孩 你笑了!你把手放進桶子,拿出 一枝棒棒糖,你伸手遞給他,說: 『你必須給站在你旁邊這個漂亮的小姑娘一枝棒棒糖』」 她說:「我一輩子沒見過任何人這麼快就被冏住 他滿臉通紅,看也不看我一眼 他只是側著身把棒棒糖給我」





"I felt so bad for this dude that I took the lollipop. As soon as I did, you got this incredibly severe look on your face, looked at my mom and dad and said, 'Look at that! Look at that! First day away from home, and already she's taking candy from a stranger?'"

「我替這傢伙感到好尷尬, 所以我就接下那枝棒棒糖, 但是當我一接下那棒棒糖, 我看到你臉上極度嚴肅的表情, 你看著我的爸媽 然後你說:『你看看!你看看 ! 離家第一天,她己經從一個陌生人的手上 接受糖果?』」





She said, "Everybody lost it. Twenty feet in every direction, everyone started to howl. I know this is cheesy, and I don't know why I'm telling you this, but in that moment when everyone was laughing, I knew I shouldn't quit. I knew I was where I was supposed to be; I knew I was home. And I haven't spoken to you once in the four years since that day. But I heard that you were leaving, and I had to come and tell you you've been an incredibly important person in my life. I'm going to miss you. Good luck."

然後她說:「每個人都忍不住了!方圓二十呎內, 每個人都大笑起來! 我知道這很肉麻,我也不知道我為什麼要告訴你們這件事, 但在那個大家都大笑的時刻 我知道我不應該掉頭回家 我知道我在做我該做的 我知道我站對地方。這四年中 我一次都沒有和你說過話 但我聽說你要離開了 我一定要告訴你,你曾經 是我生命中那麼重要的人。 我會想念著你。祝你好運」


And she walks away, and I'm flattened. She gets six feet away, turns around, smiles and goes, "You should probably know this, too: I'm still dating that guy, four years later."

她轉身離去,我則是受寵若驚 當她走到六呎遠時,她轉過身來,微笑著說: 「也許你也該知道這個 我和四年前那傢伙一直都在約會」





A year and a half after I moved to Toronto, I got an invitation to their wedding.

一年半後我搬去多倫多 我收到一張他們倆婚禮的請帖




Here's the kicker: I don't remember that. I have no recollection of that moment. I've searched my memory banks, because that is funny and I should remember doing it and I don't. That was such an eye-opening, transformative moment for me, to think that maybe the biggest impact I'd ever had on anyone's life, a moment that had a woman walk up to a stranger four years later and say, "You've been an important person in my life," was a moment that I didn't even remember.

吊詭的是,我不記得這事 我一點都不記得她所說的那個時刻 我搜索我的記憶庫,因為這事很有趣 而我應該會記得,可是我真不記得 而這真是令人大開眼界,脫胎換骨的時刻 要我說我這輩子對任何生命最大的影響 像一個女孩在四年後走上前去 對一個陌生人說: 「你在我的生命中相當重要」 是這樣一個我一點都不記得的時刻。


How many of you guys have a lollipop moment, a moment where someone said or did something that you feel fundamentally made your life better? All right. How many of you have told that person they did it? See, why not? We celebrate birthdays, where all you have to do is not die for 365 days --

你們中多少人有這樣「棒棒糖時刻」? 那麼一個時刻某人說了什麼或做了什麼 讓你的生命徹底地變更好? 好吧!你們中有多少人告訴那個幫忙的人? 看吧!為什麼不說呢? 你需要做的只是活365天不死





Yet we let people who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it. Every single one of you has been the catalyst for a lollipop moment. You've made someone's life better by something you said or did. If you think you haven't, think of all the hands that didn't go up when I asked. You're just one of the people who hasn't been told.

但是我們對於那些改善我們生命的人 日復一日,不知道他們對我們的生命有多重要 你們每一個人,每一個 都曾經是那棒棒糖時刻的催化劑 你們曾改善某人的生命 因為你們說了什麼或做了什麼。 如果你覺得你不曾, 想想我開場問那個問題, 有多少手沒擧起來 你只是沒被告知的群眾中的一名


It's scary to think of ourselves as that powerful, frightening to think we can matter that much to other people. As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we keep leadership beyond us and make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day, from ourselves and from each other.

但是要把自己想成那麼有力是很嚇人的 要想見自己找別人那麼重要真的很嚇人 因為只要我們將領導力想成超越我們的能力 只要我們將領導力想成我們不能企及的 只要我們把它想成是用來改變世界 我們給自己一個藉口不去期盼 期盼由市井小民如我們自己或彼此有領導力


Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. [It] is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness that frightens us." My call to action today is that we need to get over our fear of how extraordinarily powerful we can be in each other's lives. We need to get over it so we can move beyond it, and our little brothers and sisters and one day our kids -- or our kids right now -- can watch and start to value the impact we can have on each other's lives, more than money and power and titles and influence. We need to redefine leadership as being about lollipop moments -- how many of them we create, how many we acknowledge, how many of them we pay forward and how many we say thank you for. Because we've made leadership about changing the world, and there is no world. There's only six billion understandings of it.

Marianne Williamson說過: 「我們最大的恐懼不是我們無能, 我們最大的恐懼是我們強大有力,不可限量; 嚇壞我們的是我們的光明面, 不是我們的黑暗面。」 我現在的呼籲是我們必須克服這個恐懼 我們需要克服我們擔心自己 對彼此生命有多特殊的影響力 我們必須終結它,才能超越它,然後 我們的小小兄弟姊妹們, 或有一天我們的孩子 或我們現在的孩子—— 能看見我們對彼此生命的影響 然後開始珍視它 更甚於金錢、權力、頭銜和影響力 我們需要重新定義領導力像棒棒糖時刻 我們創造了多少個棒棒糖時刻? 有多少我們真的知道? 有多少我們流傳下去? 有多少我們說謝謝? 因為我們把領導力界定在關於改變世界 但是沒有這麼樣的世界。 只有六百億個對這世界的理解 


And if you change one person's understanding of it, understanding of what they're capable of, understanding of how much people care about them, understanding of how powerful an agent for change they can be in this world, you've changed the whole thing.

如果你改變一個人對這世界的理解 一個人對於他能力的理解 一個人對於別人多麼關心他的理解 一個人對於他在這世界上 是多有力的改變因素的了解 你己經改變全部 


And if we can understand leadership like that, I think if we can redefine leadership like that, I think we can change everything. And it's a simple idea, but I don't think it's a small one. I want to thank you so much for letting me share it with you today.

如果我們能夠多此理解領導力 我想如果我們能如此重新定義領導力 我想我們能改變任何事 這是個簡單的想法,但我 不覺得這是個微不足道的想法 謝謝你讓我和你分享這個想法





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《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯,摘自 《非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版)》

  《獲贈》(Given To,1978) 摘自 《 非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版) 》 你接受我的付出, 並明白我當下的喜悅, 便是你給我的最好的禮物。 你知道我無意對你施惠, 只是要表現我心中的愛意。 優雅地接受, 或許是世上最佳的贈予。 施與受並無二致。 對你的付出,我以接受回報。 你願接受我的心意, 是對我的莫大贈予。   《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯    

派偉俊 Patrick Brasca【蝴蝶 Butterflies】/很敘事治療的歌—聽見002

非常喜歡的歌,特別是歌詞,呼應我現在的心境。 為什麼我會說這首歌很敘事治療? 因為它的主軸是在論述主流價值與在地獨特聲音間的關係。 《蝴蝶》 詞: 黃俊郎 曲: 派偉俊  Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會  夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退 熱帶雨林振翅的蝶也能引起風雪 逆風而上的靈魂從來不會卑微 活著不是一張標準答案的考卷 堅持你自己讓那些嘲笑更狼狽 攀登的山谷 不因誰更改 凝望的景物 不為誰交代 你走出的路 最美的存在  他們終究會明白 It comes and goes everything you like It's just a show Fame won't last a lifetime Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會 夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退 太多的事要去面對 不期待有誰能體會 愈是寂寞的夜愈黑 反正我也不後悔 攀登的山谷 不因誰更改 凝望的景物 不為誰交代 你走出的路 最美的存在  他們終究會明白 It comes and goes everything you like It's just a show  Fame won't last a lifetime. Butterflies got me feeling like fly away Colors stuck in my head won't fade away 深淵之後你夢見的光輝  繼續飛 我們會 夢想是一朵血淚澆灌而生的玫瑰 你相信了 它會開滿這世界 越高的山 風雨就越尖銳  繼續飛 別後退