
求助占卜時—《為你的心定錨: 古羅馬哲學家的50個靜心生活哲思》



XXXII—The Enchiridion of Epictetus

When you have recourse to divination, remember that you know not what the event will be, and you come to learn it of the diviner; but of what nature it is you knew before coming; at least, if you are of philosophic mind. For if it is among the things not within our own power, it can by no means be either good or evil. Do not, therefore, bring with you to the diviner either desire or aversion—else you will approach him trembling—but first clearly understand that every event is indifferent and nothing to you, of whatever sort it may be; for it will be in your power to make a right use of it, and this no one can hinder. Then come with confidence to the gods as your counselors; and afterwards, when any counsel is given you, remember what counselors you have assumed, and whose advice you will neglect if you disobey. Come to divination as Socrates prescribed, in cases of which the whole consideration relates to the event, and in which no opportunities are afforded by reason or any other art to discover the matter in view. When, therefore, it is our duty to share the danger of a friend or of our country, we ought not to consult the oracle as to whether we shall share it with them or not. For though the diviner should forewarn you that the auspices are unfavorable, this means no more than  that either death or mutilation or exile is portended. But we have reason within us; and it directs us, even with these hazards, to stand by our friend and our  country. Attend, therefore, to the greater diviner, the Pythian God, who once cast out of the temple him who neglected to save his friend.


當你求助於占卜時,請記住,你不知道會發生什麼事,而是向占卜師學習的; 但你來之前就知道它是什麼性質; 至少,如果你有哲學頭腦。 因為如果它不在我們自己的力量之內,那麼它就不可能是善的,也不是惡的。 因此,不要把慾望或厭惡帶到占卜師面前——否則你會戰戰兢兢地接近他——但首先要清楚地明白,每一件事對你來說都是無關緊要的,不管是什麼類型的; 因為你有能力正確地使用它,沒有人可以阻止。 然後帶著信心來到眾神面前作為你的顧問; 之後,當有人給你任何忠告時,記住你曾接受過哪些忠告,如果你不服從,你就會忽視他們的忠告。 按照蘇格拉底的規定進行占卜,在這種情況下,整個考慮都與事件有關,並且沒有機會通過推理或任何其他技術來發現所考慮的問題。 因此,當我們有責任分擔朋友或國家的危險時,我們不應該向神諭詢問我們是否應該與他們分擔。 因為雖然占卜師應該預先警告你吉兆不利,但這無非是預示著死亡、殘廢或流放。 但我們內心有理智; 它指示我們,即使面臨這些危險,也要與我們的朋友和我們的國家站在一起。 因此,請注意更偉大的占卜者,Pythian 神,他曾將忽視拯救朋友的人趕出聖殿。



《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯,摘自 《非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版)》

  《獲贈》(Given To,1978) 摘自 《 非暴力溝通:愛的語言(全新增訂版) 》 你接受我的付出, 並明白我當下的喜悅, 便是你給我的最好的禮物。 你知道我無意對你施惠, 只是要表現我心中的愛意。 優雅地接受, 或許是世上最佳的贈予。 施與受並無二致。 對你的付出,我以接受回報。 你願接受我的心意, 是對我的莫大贈予。   《獲贈》(Given To,1978),出自魯思貝本梅爾的同名專輯    


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聽見007:Wake up - Arcade Fire /白日夢冒險王/The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

白日夢想家 the secret life of Walter Mitty_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 白日夢冒險王,經典的歌曲Wake Up 再次深深觸動,進入人生下半場的我! 原來當初看時,漏了好多細節! (注意背景的文字) Making of a Brave man. 做一個勇敢的人。 To see the world.  去探索世界。 Things Dangerous to come to.  面對危險、不確定的事物。 Passport to see behind walls. 通往表面下內心的護照。 To draw close,To find each other and to feel.  拉近距離,找到彼此,感受。 That is the purpose of life! 這就是人生的目的! Wake Up/Arcade Fire  歌詞 Somethin' filled up My heart with nothin' Someone told me not to cry Now that I'm older My heart's colder And I can see that it's a lie Children, wake up Hold your mistake up Before they turn the summer into dust If the children don't grow up Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up We're just a million little god's causin' rain storms Turnin' every good thing to rust I guess we'll just have to adjust With my lightnin' bolts a-glowin I can see where I am goin' to be When the reaper he reaches and touches my hand With my lightnin' bolts a-glowin'